GAS ENGINE FUEL II International Specialized Exhibition


Why to exhibit

2 Global park of compressed gas vehicles has annual growth 25-35 %

(upon the information from

2 The Ministry for industry and trade of the Russian Federation plans to allocate money from national budget - 3,77 thousand million rubles – for automotive companies support. Funding will go to the territorial entities of the RF to purchase gas engine buses and vehicles for housing and public utilities. It will provide the impetus to regional transport structure development and drive up a demand for natural gas motor fuel.

2 Using gas engine fuel allows Russian not only reduce the price of carrier cost, but also significantly improve the environment situation, primarily in the largest cities of the region. For the next 5-10 years the Russian market of gas engine fuel market will remain among the most prospective markets in the world. Industry and Trade Ministry considers work in this sector to be highly important and encourages the territorial subjects of the Russian Federation to contribute actively to the implementation of such an ambitious project, including organization of filling infrastructure, fixed and Mobile Gas NGV filling stations.